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Dr. John M. Asquith

The Word, Thy Word

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path, Psalm 119:105.

The more I hear defenders of the King James Bible speak, and the more that I read behind them, the more that it occurs to me that when most defenders of the King James Bible are using the terms "thy word or the word", they see a distinction between the King James Bible and some nebulous idea of God's word.

For the record, whenever I see the terms "thy word" or "the word", I see the King James Bible. There is simply no description given in the word of God, or attribute of the word of God that is not perfectly fulfilled in a King James Bible. I wince when I hear someone say, "the word of God preserved in the English Language".

I have seen a human appendix preserved in a jar of alcohol. I have seen a prehistoric insect preserved in amber. I have seen historical documents preserved in a glass case. I am not looking through the English of the King James Bible to try to discern what God said. The King James Bible is what God said.

When looking at the preserved appendix, I could see its form and size, but it can no longer function. When looking at the insect in amber, I could see it particulars, but I could not feel the sting of its bite. When looking at the preserved document, I could not feel its pages, or leaf through it.

A King James Bible still functions as the word of God exactly as God intended his word to function. I can feel the sting of a King James Bible. I can pick up my bible and leaf through its pages whenever I so desire.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, Hebrews 4:12. That verse describes a King James Bible. It is not talking about some magical principle of God that is enacted when the word of God is preached. It is the distinct work of a King James Bible.

In the next few decades, should the Lord tarry, those preachers who fully believe that they have the perfect inerrant word of God in their hand, accurate down to the jots and tittles, will find power with God. The rest will become play actors in a religious world.

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