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Dr. John M. Asquith

Church Bible Publishers Hits a Home Run

120RL Wide Margin Cameo

I continue to be excited and well satisfied with both the quality and the editing of Church Bible Publisher's Bible offerings. The 120RL Wide Margin Cameo pictured above is a perfect Bible for reading, preaching and studying. I get many request from people wondering where they can get a Pure Cambridge Text Bible. When we first started this blog I had no place to send them. Today, a Bible believer concerned with both accuracy and good quality can have both.

Dennis and Rob Deneau, a father and son team have combined to offer many decades of experience and skill, along with the finest materials to print historically accurate Bibles. For those of you who have prayed for a major Bible publisher to eschew the modern textual innovations and just get back to printing the unadulterated King James Bible, this is the time to act. Show your support and browse their website and check out their Cameo, Turquoise and Note Takers Bibles that are Pure Cambridge Text.

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