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Dr. John M. Asquith

What is meant by the Pure Cambridge Text?

Updated: May 9, 2020

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled, Matthew 5:18.

A reader sent me a question in which he asked, "What do you mean by The Pure Cambridge Text?" In the early days of this blog, I posted much on the perfection of the Cambridge Text of the King James Bible as opposed to other publishers' texts, and of my concern over the subtle changes recently made by Cambridge and some Fundamentalist Printers. Here are three early posts: (Click here), (here), (here).

It is not easy to do, but if a person was to scroll for quite a while, he or she could get to the first page of the blog and follow through. We eventually hope to have it all tabulated but it is currently only partially so. As our readers have seen, we write on many subjects. Nevertheless, the blog is named for my passion to awaken the world of King James Bible believers that there really is a perfect King James Text and that that text was perfected through seven works by editors over a 300 year period of time.

The same God who promised to preserve even the jots and tittles of scripture is certainly able to preserve a perfect English Text. We have explained the differences in orthography from 1611 until now, changes that sometimes confuse people, (Click Here). We have shown that the original King James Bible was handwritten, (here). We have published posts to show how various King James Bibles have been edited over the centuries, (here).

By the term Pure Cambridge Text, I refer to a perfect King James Bible as it was printed between the end of WWI and until 1985, but is now being printed by Church Bible Publishers. If you were to look at the English Bible on a pulpit in heaven, it would match exactly. Every word, every letter, every punctuation mark, every verse marking, every italicization, and every subscript and title would be exactly what God the Father thinks of when he considers the English Bible.

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Sep 16, 2023

Why would there be a pulpit in heaven? No, but seriously. Why would a pure, holy, perfect, et cetera God limit the access to His pure Word to souls who lived post WW1? Poor English speaking, reading sods who lived before that time having to suffer on less than pure. How did they even manage life let alone be saved?

Are there perfect texts in other languages? One would hope so but one never hears about this kind of hubris other than in relation to the English language and yet, well, John 3:16 which is rather inclusive.

Thomas Ross III
Thomas Ross III
Sep 17, 2023
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There is a book celebrating the 1611 King James translation. It's available on audible. Its called Bible: The story of the King James version by Gordon Cambell. In it he mentions very briefly other languages have their own issues in printing history.

As for God limiting his word that is a odd speculation. We want the text to be holy and true to God's being. The manuscripts existed prior to the KJV, there was a Geneva translation for example using the same manuscripts.

I would look into other translations using the OT Mesoretic Hebrew manuscript and the NT Greek Received Textus Receptus i.e. majority text manuscript. People care about the source manuscripts as much as they do the translation.…


Nov 19, 2020

I have a bible from Church Bible Publishers.. I also have a Pure Cambridge Edition (as so called) bible on my kindle that I downloaded.. those 2 differ at Acts 11:28 where 'S' is capital in the CBP on the word Spirit and 's' lowercase in the on kindle edition of PCE.

Also to add to the discussion, i have a Holman bible that was said to be PCE by

-- video from bibleprotector.

And this Holman bible is in agreement with the kindle pce on Acts 11 verse. Anyways titles are a bit off on the Holman and im not aware of any other issues.. by titles being off I mean that the gospels dont say St.___.. or…

May 04, 2021
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I also have a CBP bible but it has 's' lowercase like it should be. You must have had a mistake in your specific bible.

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